Thursday, 23 February 2017

| Get Started on Your Journey to Strong & Healthy | My Beginner Recommendations |

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”  Michael Jordan

Evening guys!

Since sharing my transformation post a few days ago I’ve had lots of messages from you guys regarding how to get started with your own fitness journey. So, I’ve decided to write this blog post to give you guys some of my best recommendations and hopefully answer all of your questions here in one place.

It can all be very daunting in the beginning. I know, because I was that girl 6 years ago. I had all the eagerness and determination in the world but I didn’t have a clue about strength and fitness or where to start. Fear not! I am going to give you a helping hand. Remember everyone has to start somewhere. The problem nowadays is that there are just so many different plans/methods to choose from, some very good and equally, some that are just a load of shite and should be steered clear of. As well as that, some methods will work well for some people but won’t necessarily work well for others and different approaches/tweaks will have to be made to suit each individual. It’s all about finding out what fit’s your life, your goals and YOUR body. Everyone is different. That being said, the fundamental principles and basics of weight loss/weight gain and energy balance (calories in/calories out ) will always be the same.

So if your one of those people looking for some advice on where to start which I presume you are if your reading this, then below I have listed my top recommendations. I really hope this helps some of you. Remember, this is not a quick fix but a complete lifestyle change. Sacrifices will have to be made in the beginning but once you find balance these won’t feel like sacrifices for too long if, like me, you learn to love the process and enjoy the journey.

Disclaimer: Just to put it out there once again, I am NOT a PT and I am NOT a nutritionist. Any advice I give here is from my own experience and from what I have learned over the years. I am always happy to help you guys and guide you on the right path but I can’t prescribe workouts or diet plans. However, I do promise that if you follow my recommendations these will get you on the right track. This applies to girls and guys btw. J

Start with Your Food
So I have put food as number 1 because before you think about hitting a gym, I recommend you get your food right first. If you get your food right in the beginning, then you’re onto a winner. You’ll more than likely drop weight in the beginning before you even start the gym. But you have to get it right. Many people are under this false illusion that they can eat what they like once they exercise or go to gym and they will just ‘work it off’. Equally, some people may think they are eating ‘healthy’ but are actually eating the wrong foods or maybe eating the right foods but overeating. You may be working your ass off in the gym but then rewarding yourself afterwards with sweet treats and wondering why you’re not shifting any weight. It doesn’t work like that I’m afraid guys! You could be going to the gym 7 days a week but if your food isn’t right then you are not going to see any changes. The gym is easy, the hard work is done at home in the kitchen!

I follow the ‘If It Fits Your Macros’ approach (IIFYM). Your macro-nutrients are Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates. This is a highly recommended approach to fat-loss / weight-gain /maintenance and works by calculating how many calories your body needs to maintain according to many individual factors such as your weight, height, gender, activity level during the day, training age etc. and then dividing these calories out into a proportion of protein, fats and carbs that you can have in a day. Depending on what you want to achieve i.e. fat loss or weight gain, you subtract or add from these maintenance calories. You can find loads of IIFYM calculators online or you can try this one on which is one I like to use. Just enter all your stats & measurements and it does the work for you. Alternatively, speak to a nutritionist or a PT who will design a plan for you.

Practice Moderation
Your food sources should be a combination of good quality whole foods. This will include a balance of complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. I'll go through some food options further on in this post.  Try and cut out all the cakes, biscuits, crisps or any refined sugars. Also try and stay away from processed food and opt for whole foods and lots of nutrient dense veggies.  Alcohol is a no go I’m afraid! I’m not saying you have to turn into a pioneer but if you want to see results then alcohol will hinder them. Everything is OK in moderation just be aware that if you are boozing every weekend then you’re not going to see any change. It’s all about being more mind-full, practicing some self-discipline and finding balance. You have to live too! Happiness is number one.

Fuel Your Body Right
( I just sang that title in the tune to backstreet boys “Rock your body right.. back streets back alright!”) Ahem, anyways carrying on..

As a guideline, I recommend that your protein sources come from lean meats such as chicken, turkey and beef as well as eggs which contain good healthy fats too and oily fish. If you’re just starting out I wouldn’t worry about protein powders just yet. Their sole purpose is to supplement your protein intake, for convenience mainly. These can be introduced at a later stage once you get the hang of counting your macros etc. Or if you are under the guidance of a nutritionist then that’s fine! Protein will not make you gain weight or turn you into a big bulky man! With regards fats, make sure you are getting them from good clean sources such as nuts, eggs, avocados, fish, cooking oils, nut butters etc. Be careful with the nuts though as they tend to be very high in calories so practice portion control. Your carbohydrates then refer to foods such as oats, rice, potatoes, breads, cereals, pasta, etc. I am quite sensitive to carbs and tend to get quite bloated from certain types so I limit my carb sources to oats, sweet/white potato, rice (mostly white), brown seeded bread, corn cakes and fruit and veg. I have others too occasionally but this is what I have mostly.

Prep Your Food
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”
Prepping your food in advance is key to success when it comes to your diet especially if you lead a busy lifestyle. Prepping your meals will ensure you don’t snack mindlessly and will allow you to have more control over what your eating. I also recommend keeping a food diary too. I use the 'MyFitnessPal' app on my iphone for tracking my food.  I eat 5-6 small meals a day and aim to have something every 3 hours to keep my metabolism firing. Again, the amount of food I can have will differ for you so you will need to either work out your own macros or consult with a nutritionist/trainer. One of my fave fitness influencers ‘Georgias Fit Life’ (@georgiasfitlife) has a really good you-tube video on how to work out your macros which you can watch hereGeorgia is also a PT and has a whole library of informative videos including how to track your macros, eating out, workouts and recipes to name but a few. I would definitely recommend giving some of them a watch.

Find a Good Gym
If you’re just starting out, you probably have that beginners fear of the gym. The fear of not knowing what you’re doing, the fear of people looking at you and judging you. Trust me. NOBODY is looking at you! We all had to start somewhere and we are all there for the same reason. However, I would suggest that you go in prepared. The gym can be very daunting if you have never set foot in one before. If you want to join a gym, find one that is well equipped and suits your budget. Some gyms can be V expensive. I have been a member of lots of gyms due to moving about quite a bit and I have never paid more than £40 per month. But that’s personal preference and what extras you want included such as classes, swimming pool, steam room, sauna etc.

Get a Consultation!
 When you have chosen your gym, first things first, book in for a consultation with a trained PT! A good consultation should include a full body analysis where you sit and discuss your body goals, tell them about any existing or past ailments/injuries etc. and your weight, measurements, flexibility, mobility etc. will all be examined and recorded. In most gym’s I’ve been to, this is offered as a free service when you join (some may not). They will then prepare a detailed training program designed specifically for your body with your goals in mind. They will also go through all the exercises with you and show how to use all the machines and execute proper form. You probably won’t get this perfect straight off but practice makes perfect and your confidence will build. Don’t be afraid to ask questions either. That’s what they are there for. You might also go down the route of hiring a PT and that’s fine but it’s obviously going to be costlier. Again, personal preference.

Buddy Up
If the thought of going into the gym alone is really putting the fear of god in you then try and bring a buddy with you. Even if it’s just for the first few times. If you can, then try and find someone who is on the same level as you in terms of fitness or, better yet, if you know someone that is a consistent gym-goer and knows their shit then ask them can you buddy up with them for a session or two. I’m always happy to help anyone out and show them the ropes.

Alternatively, Find an Activity you Enjoy
If the gym really isn’t your thing, find something else that you enjoy. Nearly all gyms and leisure center's offer fitness classes if you prefer that or another sporting activity. I done kickboxing for several years alongside my gym and it was incredible for my stamina and overall fitness. I loved it.

Educate yourself
There is hardly anything you can’t find online these days with useful tools like you-tube, blogs, articles etc. If this is something that really interest’s you, then you will probably already be following various fitness influencer's and reading up on nutrition and training. It’s all a learning process! You’re not going to learn it all in one day but having a good knowledge and understanding of what you are doing is important in order to progress. Another of my favourite fitness influencer's which I have to mention is Siobhan O' Hagan (@ohfitness_ie). This girl is goals! She inspires me every day. Siobhan's currently prepping for competition and i'm really enjoying watching her  journey and progress. She's just so relate-able for me and I love her honesty. Total girl crush and body goals.

Be Consistent
The name is written on the tin. I aim to train at least 4 times a week and allow myself one cheat meal at the weekend. Some people may like to have little treats every day with no cheat meal at the weekend, Again, personal preference. I find that most people, including myself, find the weekends really hard to stay motivated. This is when I’m most likely to fall off the wagon and binge/drink and forget all my goals. I used to be one for heading out all the time but now I might go out once every few months. Instead, I’ll treat myself to a ‘cheat meal’ and I’ll go to the gym most Saturday mornings and the odd Sunday. This might sound like punishment to some of you ha ha but that is what I enjoy. I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t enjoy it. Just try and stay consistent. It’s what you do 95% of the time that will shine through. And remember, the weekend is 3 days out of 7! 

Buy Yourself Some Snazzy Workout Gear
Treat yourself to some new snazzy workout gear J Also invest in a good pair of workout runners (trainers). They don’t have to be crazy expensive! For me, new workout gear is such a motivator!  If you look the part, then you’ll also feel way more confident.

So there we have it guys, my top recommendations. I hadn’t intended it to be this long but I couldn’t help myself ha-ha. I really hope this helps some of you guys out and, as always, any questions then fire them at me. I’m always happy to help

I’m off home to Ireland this weekend for my nieces Christening and I’m so looking forward to catching up with the fam bam – there might be a bit of cake involved too ;)

Have a great weekend guys
Big Love

Snapchat: missaileencrowe

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