Sunday, 17 July 2016


Hey guys!

So I was thinking, I can't call myself an actual blogger without having an actual blog! So here I am writing my first ever blogpost :) I finally have the blogspot up and running and let me tell you, it's way more technical than I thought! It's taken me a couple of days to get my head around but as they say, practice makes perfect :) Sorry for the cheese.

I have been wanting to set up this blog forever now. The first big step for me was setting up 'The Aileen Crowe Show' Facebook page and initially, I wanted to build up a following on there and the rest of my social media platforms before setting up a blog. The disadvantage I found with doing that though was I couldn't really go into depth about things I had a lot to say about and each of my Facebook posts were turning into essays haha :) So at least now I have a place to re-direct everyone who wants to read my bigger shpiels haha :) 

So who am I & what will I be posting about?

Just a bit about myself. For those who don't know me or are new to following me; my name is Aileen Crowe, I am a 25 year old Tipperary girl from Ireland currently living and working as a Graduate Engineer in London Town. I'm just your average girl with a big passion for all things fitness & well-being as well as all things fashion and beauty. I love the gym and promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle. If you are following me on either Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat I regularly post about the gym, my food, what I'm wearing, where I'm going, places I am visiting, inspirational and motivational quotes, a new purchase, selfies galore and just my general day to day life. So if this is a bit of you then I'm your girl ;)

What I am not...

I am not a PT or food nutritionist - I don't have any degrees or the likes in this discipline whatsoever. BUT, what I do have is years of experience in fuelling and building my own body - the right way & the wrong! I am not perfect and I don't pretend to be either. I am partial to the odd cheat weekend too. It happens to us all! One of the many reasons why I set up my Facebook page was to give myself accountability to those who follow me because, up until now, I have never been accountable to anyone but myself. I promote balance and healthy living and yes, my ultimate goal is aesthetics, to look and feel good but I do it because I love it and not because I feel I have to. I have said before that I would also like to compete in a body building show in the future but that's something I'll give more thought to some where down the line. Who know's! Right now I'm just working on being the best version of me. Both in mind and body.

What's coming up?

So as some of you already know, I have signed up to do the 90 day Shift Shape and Sustain plan with The Body Coach aka Joe Wicks who most of you will know well for his massive bestseller #Leanin15 cookbook and you will often see me trying out his various HIIT workouts and recipes which he shares daily on his Facebook page. After following Joe for some time now I've seen some amazing transformations he's achieved with his online clients doing his 90 day SSS plan and I've been mad to give it go! It was my boyfriend Shane who initially decided to sign up last week and so, I jumped at the chance to do it with him :) 

I have never had a PT or any type of food program designed for me before. I've always just followed my own IIFYM (if it fits your macros) approach and had my workouts designed by a fitness instructor at the gym, so this is very new & exciting for me! Lately I've been lacking in self-motivation and as one of my followers rightly pointed out last week, it can be so hard to stay on track during the Summer months as there always seems to be something on! And that is the nail on the head for me. I really want to work on my self-discipline and I think the accountability to a coach will be the kick in the bum I need and also help me to master my weekend eating habits which I really struggle with.

So I am starting the plan tomorrow but over the last few weeks I have been experimenting with some of the recipes and boy are they tasty! I will be sharing my entire experience here with you guys including what I’m eating, how I'm feeling and what workouts I’m doing but just a note to you all, this plan is totally tailored to my body so I won't be posting quantities as they will differ for every individual. You can also check out The Body Coach Facebook page/website to find out more info on this plan.

So that's me for the next 12 weeks. I have all my measurements and before photos taken and submitted. I was going to share them with you all but I think I'm going to wait until the end of cycle 1 before I show ye. I am V excited to get started! It's really only a short amount of time so I will be trying to stick with this 100% and give it my best shot. 

I'm also going to be travelling to some new destinations in the coming months. I have planned trips to Poland in September, New York in November and Iceland in December. I have well & truly caught the wanderlust travel bug. I made a map on google a few weeks back pin pointing all the places I have ever visited and it is now my mission in life to fill that map up as much as I can! #YOLO

I could sit here and write all day haha anyway to wrap it up I really hope you all enjoy reading the blog as much as I’ll enjoy updating it :) A big hello to all my new followers and a big thank you to those who continue to support me. You know who you are ;) 

Big Love Guys 

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