Friday, 28 October 2016

|The Body Coach | 90 Day SSS Plan | Cycle 2

Hey guys!

First off, apologies it has taken so long to get this follow up post up on the blog! I have been absolutely up the walls since getting back from Poland a few weeks back so I’ve only just got around to writing it now. (Read my full Krakow blogpost here). But better late than never as they say! 

In this post I’ve detailed all the information you need to know about my meals and my workouts, how I got on and my results at the end. This is follow on post from cycle 1 so anything I miss out on here should all be detailed in my Cycle 1 blogpost which you can read here and my results here. Any other questions you have after feel free to drop me a message.

I was so excited to start cycle 2 for a number of reasons. This is the muscle building phase of the plan which therefore meant I would be eating a lot more food and in particular, a lot more carbs. And who doesn’t love more carbs! The reason for this increase in food/carbs was due to the increase in the workout intensity with the introduction of weight training into the workouts combined with HIIT training (which I will go into more detail about later) but I had really missed my weight training during cycle 1 so this was another reason why I was really looking forward to this cycle.

Similar to cycle 1, I was allowed 3 main meals + 2 snacks a day. The choice of meals was split up into two menus:

 1.    Training Day Menu
      2.    Rest Day Menu

So on training days I would select all 3 of my main meals from the training day menu. I could also have a protein shake post workout in addition to my main meals and snacks. On training day’s I was eating meals high in carbohydrates, lower in fat and high in protein.  Likewise, on rest days I would select all 3 of my main meals from the rest day menu. On rest days I was eating meals much lower in carbohydrates, high in healthy fats and high in protein. Unlike cycle 1, I was only given a handful of recipes I could use. A new introduction to this cycle was the ‘pick n mix principle’ which meant I had to construct my own meals using a list of ingredients provided in the plan. I was delighted with this new aspect of the plan as I had become bored of eating the same meals on cycle 1 so I was looking forward to getting creative and having a lot more flexibility with my meal planning.
To construct a meal I had to choose one of each of the following from a list of ingredients provided:
  • ·        1 portion of Meat or Fish;
  • ·        Spice or Seasoning of your choice;
  • ·        2 portions of vegetables;
  • ·        1 carb source i.e. rice, bread, pasta, potato etc.;
  • ·        1 side sauce i.e. sweet chilli sauce, 0% fat Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, soy sauce etc.;
  • ·        On rest days an additional fat source i.e. avocado, cheese, nuts etc.;
  • ·        A large portion of green veggies to be eaten with every meal i.e. broccoli, kale, spinach, mange tout;
  • ·        And a portion of cooking oil i.e. coconut oil, olive oil, butter
In the beginning I really loved creating my own meals as well as using some of the recipes provided in the plan especially the sweet potato cottage pie which was divine! I could have eaten the cottage pie 3 times a day but I was only allowed to eat mince beef once a day L It also made eating out a lot easier as I wasn't tied down to specific recipes. The amount of food I had to eat was also humongous compared to cycle 1. For breakfast on training days I would have a massive bowl of oats with a side of 0% Greek yoghurt and blueberries as well as a protein shake! It would literally take me a full hour to eat it all ha-ha. I found rest days quite hard without any carbs at all especially when I was used to loading up on them on training days therefore I found I was quite hungry on rest days. For my snacks i stuck with having my protein shakes and cashew nuts. I also had a Quest protein bar 2-3 times a week and saved them for training days or as treats at the weekend. Supplementation was also the same on this cycle as it had been on cycle 1 which again you can read here.

After a couple of weeks into the cycle I found myself not being as creative as I thought I’d be and the freedom I was given with my food choices did make me slip up a few times. By the end of the cycle I couldn’t wait to cut out the carbs again as I had been so bloated throughout it. Carbs just don’t suit me no matter how much I love them. Or else I haven’t quite determined which ones suit me and which ones don’t.

Sample Training Day Meals:



Sample Rest Day Meals





So as I said earlier I was really excited to start the new training program. I have been weight training for years now so heading to gym and lifting absolutely no weights at all was so weird for me. The only thing I had enjoyed about this was the time saving lol but I did feel that I had lost a lot of my muscle tone and strength during cycle 1. So needless to say I was looking forward to getting back to it. In this cycle the method of training used was called VRHT i.e. Volume Resistance HIIT Training. This method of training involves using lower weights which allow you to do a large amount of sets but with lower repetitions i.e. 10 sets of 10reps. This method or type of training is meant to build your muscles and strength very quickly.

The structure of the VHRT workouts were split into 4 parts kind of like a circuit.
  •    START with x1 round of HIIT
  •    x1 round of VR training
  •    x1 round of HIIT
  •   FINISH with x1 VR workout

Each training day is then split up into 4 options:
  1.  Arms (Biceps & Triceps)
  2.   Chest & Back
  3. Legs & Bum
  4.   Shoulders
Sample Training Day
5 minute warm up on the stationary bike
    1.   x10 mins of HIIT on the Stationary Bike (30sec fast, 45sec steady)  
    2.  Squats 10 x 10 (45sec rest between sets)
    3.   x10 mins HIIT on the Stationary Bike (30sec fast, 45sec steady)
    4.   Lunges 10 x 10 each leg (45 rest between sets)


I really loved the training on this cycle, except for leg day. That was tough. 10 sets of lunges with 10 reps on EACH leg is not fun let me tell you ha-ha. That’s 200 lunges FYI. It actually took me a whole week to recover after training legs and then it would be leg day again ha-ha. But hey no pain no gain, Besides that I really did enjoy it. Each workout only took roughly 45 minutes to complete (except for leg day which was a little longer) so the time saving in the evenings was a major bonus for me.

My Results
I wasn’t expecting to lose any weight during this cycle so I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t and I also wasn’t surprised that I gained weight either. I was told by my support hero before beginning this cycle not to expect to see massive drops on the scales as I would be gaining lean muscle mass at the same time as losing body fat so not to dwell on the numbers and trust the mirror. My weight and my measurements all increased after this cycle and I was absolutely gutted until I seen my progress pictures. Although I didn’t see all that much of a difference I think I look leaner even if the scales don’t reflect that. TMI* (It was also lady time which would have affected the results as well!)

To be honest I could have been more disciplined but truth be told I wasn’t. During cycle 2 I had been on x2 holidays which didn’t help as I couldn’t train and I couldn’t meal prep so it definitely threw me off. However, I did try and stay as disciplined as I could while I was away food wise, the only downfall being that I did drink alcohol. I am currently on my second week of Cycle 3 of the plan and I’m also finding it very hard to get into routine. I’m extra busy with work and every week there just seems to be something on so I’m missing out on some of my training sessions and just not getting any time to meal prep. There’s a whole load of excuses lol but I’m ploughing on with it. 3 weeks from now I will be heading to New York so I want to give it my all until then because once I’m there, I’ll be knee deep in pancakes and cheesecake and I won’t even be sorry HA. I think this will also be when the Christmas season will start for me so it may just all go downhill from there J I will of course still be in the gym as always for some damage limitation ;) I’m hoping to have my Cycle 3 blogpost up before I jet off to New York but that might be wishful thinking. If not, I’ll definitely have it up when I’m back along with my New York VLOG.

So that’s it guys!

As always, if you have any more questions about Cycle 2 
or anything else, I’m always happy to help.
Talk you all soon

Big Love

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